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Calling All Girls (6 through12) – Come to Yakira!
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On behalf of the Yakira committee we at Christian Life in London, want to share news about this very exciting Girl’s Event that is happening for a second year in London on Saturday, October 5, 2024 at Gateway Church. The event is called Yakira, which in Hebrew means “Precious, Costly, Beloved” and the theme is ROOTED.

The event is for girls in grades 6 through 12. While this is a wide-ranging age span, the organizers believe it was important to include the entire Youth Group within the church. Yakira is referred to as an Event, but the hope and prayer is that it will truly be an unforgettable Experience.

There is an awesome full day planned to include worship, testimonies of God’s goodness and faithfulness, a dramatization, a time for some cool crafts, and also a time to hear from some amazing speakers. The speakers will be sharing about the identity of London Pregnancy & Family Support Centre and how it’s rooted in Christ and the importance of having Him as the foundation of the lives of the London Pregnancy & Family Support Centre Team.

“The speakers will be talking about healthy choices and the friendships/relationships, we have in our lives,” tells Lori Bethel, Executive Director of London Pregnancy & Family Support Centre Team, “God cares about our whole being, and that includes caring for our bodies, souls and spirit.

God created us this way and wants His best for us, and our speakers will focus on how we can honour Him in our everyday living, even when it’s not always easy with the world we live in. The girls will learn about positive self-image, the characteristics of a good friend, the good/bad of social media, and how to fill ourselves up with the good things that God has for us!”

The information to be shared is all geared towards this entire age group, completely relevant and age appropriate, shared in a fun interactive manner, including games and giveaways.

The cost is ONLY $25 for the full day. Also, each girl who registers, upon arrival, will receive a beautiful ‘SWAG BAG’ that is full of fun and very useful items. (the value of this bag is more than the cost of the event) Lunch is also included in the ticket price, and there will be lots of really cool giveaways that the girls will have opportunities throughout the day to choose from.

Yakira has been in the making for a long while now. God has brought this Girl’s Event to LIFE, for such a time as this, He is in every single detail of it!

Last year there were over 250 that came together for this event. “We are praying and believing with great expectation for ALL that God is going to do on this day for each precious girl who will be attending”, says Lori,  “We have a prayer team, that has been praying, and is praying and will be with us the day of the event, praying throughout the day, and available should any of the girls want to receive prayer for anything. Jesus Christ is Yakira’s FIRM FOUNDATION, and the solid rock on which this event has been built upon!”

Yakira’s theme verse is Proverbs 31:10 “Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls.”

The title sponsor of Yakira is London Pregnancy & Family Support Centre. You can follow Yakira on Instagram and Facebook.

To register visit the website:

Yakira is being promoted through churches and Christian schools; however, it the hope and prayer tis hat those coming from these places would reach out to those who do not attend church or a Christian school and make them aware of the event, and invite them to attend. This is a safe and welcoming space for everyone to feel and experience the love of Jesus.

Any Youth Leaders who would like to attend with their girls are not only welcomed but encouraged to take part. The organizers want girls to come, hopefully with a friend, sibling, cousin, perhaps a neighbour, or by themselves, as those who come, will not be alone, as they will be meeting up with other girls very quickly through the planned activities to get to know one another, as that’s one of our reasons for putting on Yakira, for girls to meet new friends.

We know many of the girls in this age group are excited to experience their “own mini day conference’, something created just for them, however we also acknowledge that some girls may feel reluctant, shy, or anxious without their mom, and if this is your daughter, please reach out to me, we are open to this as well, as we want everyone to feel welcomed and comfortable.

Please email Stephanie Gyssels at for invite cards or call 519-432-7098.

Please email Lori Bethel at if you have any questions or concerns about the event.

Yakira Details:
Where: Gateway Church (890 Sarnia Road)
When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: 9:00 – 4:30pm (Registration begins at 8:15am)
Cost: ONLY $25.00

“We do not want to see anyone not attend because of the cost, if that is a concern, please make me aware of the situation.

“I hope and pray you can see the purpose and value in this event, and will be as excited as our entire team is, which is made up of many individuals who are pouring much prayer, time and their abilities in to it, to ensure it is done with excellence and most importantly ALL for the Glory of God.

“God’s Peace,”

Lori Bethel
Yakira Founder Executive Director of London Pregnancy & Family Support Centre