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The Crisis In Ukraine – What Can We Do?
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With war raging in Ukraine, our hearts are heavy. Please join us in praying for the people of Ukraine. Pray that God brings peace quickly to the region, and that people will turn to Him for their hope during this time of uncertainty.

The war has created Europe's fastest growing refugee crisis since the Second World War, according the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. The UN says more than 1.75 million people have fled Ukraine, largely to Poland and other neighbouring Eastern European countries. One million Ukrainians have also been internally displaced.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine's conflict zones, violence including heavy artillery shelling has killed and injured countless civilians.

We Join Together in Prayer


1. Ask God to redeem this situation by drawing many people to Himself. May Ukrainians discover that Jesus is the only true source of peace, safety, comfort, truth and freedom.

2. For the opening of corridors both for evacuation and humanitarian aid around cities under attack in Ukraine. Many people in these cities are without heat and electricity.

3. For many churches that opened their doors to neighbors offering food and shelter.

4. For protection of many kids and parents who will spend another night in bomb shelters, metro stations or on the roads to safer places and all brave volunteers risking their lives to evacuate people.

5. For logistics of getting funds and humanitarian aid to churches and refugee camps so they continue to have food, medicine and other supplies.

6. For protection of lives but also church buildings that were built so sacrificially for years. May these churches be a beacon of light for those who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

7. For many pastors leading their flocks at this critical time of decision and risk. They carry a heavy burden.

8. For many believing men who will have to bear arms against a professional army as the war continues. There is no other alternative for them, that we know about. Pray also for the many women who are fighting as well.

9. For the Lord to cause the opposing army to lose the will to fight, be afraid, be confused, or use other methods to stop the war.

10. For many volunteers who are setting up camps for refugees, so that they will have necessary funds, places for accommodation, and physical strength to serve.

11. For many believers to stay strong, continue trusting the Lord and not to give in to panic, fear and desperation.

In addition to Prayer, how we can effectively help Ukrainians

As Russia continues its military assault on Ukraine, several aid organizations have mobilized and solicited donations to support Ukrainians.

Organizations On The Ground

Numerous aid organizations have been deployed to Ukraine and Eastern European countries near the border to assist with the growing refugee crisis.

Addressing displaced Ukrainians’ food insecurity for is a top priority for many of the organizations on the front lines:

The UN World Food Programme has sent aid workers to Ukraine and neighbouring countries, delivering food to Ukrainians caught in the crossfire of the conflict.

Samaritan’s Purse is deploying an emergency field hospital to the region to meet the critical medical needs. Disaster response specialists—including eight Canadians—have been on the ground in Poland, Romania and Moldova since last week conducting needs assessments and preparing a strategic response.

The Canadian Red Cross has also been raising funds for humanitarian operations in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. The Canadian government had also pledged to match Red Cross donations up to $10 million, a pledge that has now been met.

Much like Canada, Ukraine is freezing right now. To help the 7.5 million children, many of whom are migrating to neighbouring countries with their families, Save the Children is raising money to send winter kits and cash vouchers.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has also dispatched teams to Ukraine's neighbouring countries to assist with the inflow of refugees. In Ukraine's conflict zones, MSF has also distributed medical aid to hospitals and produced training for 30 trauma care surgeons.

GlobalMedic is raising money to help refugees fleeing into neighbouring countries. Your money will help provide food packages, hygiene kits, water purification tables, and first aid kits to Ukrainians stranded on borders.

When the first Russian boots touched Ukrainian soil, the organization UNICEF didn’t hesitate to ramp up efforts to help children in the country. Now, they’re accepting donations to bring safe drinking water and hygienic supplies to families fleeing and communities entrenched in war.

Other organizations on the ground supporting displaced Ukrainians include World Vision Canada

Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) program allows Canadians to help resettle refugees as individuals or families that qualify under the refugee and humanitarian program.

Donations may additionally be made to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Ukraine Emergency . Donations are tax-deductible.

Ukrainian-Canadian Organizations

Ukrainian-Canadians are also stepping up to support Ukraine. Canada is home to more than 1.4 million people of Ukrainian descent, the largest Ukrainian diaspora population outside of the former Soviet Union.

The Canada-Ukraine Foundation has launched its Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal in response to the war. The foundation says, as of Friday, it had delivered "approximately $550,000 CAD to provide food packages, medicine and shelter," with an additional $1.07 million in aid headed to Ukraine later this week.

The League of Ukrainian Canadians and the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women have also organized the Friends of Ukraine Defence Forces Fund . Organizers say donations will provide Ukrainian soldiers with non-lethal support such as body armour, medical supplies and food. The fund will also go towards children and families of Ukrainian soldiers, as well as Ukrainian troops who have been injured or killed in battle.

Avoid Ukraine-Related Scams

Scammers have also tried to take advantage of the outpouring of generosity in support of Ukraine.

There have been numerous livestreams on TikTok from scammers asking for monetary support while pretending to be Ukrainians fleeing conflict.

If you're donating to a trusted aid organization, double-check the URL or social media handle and make sure you're not donating to an impostor. The Ukrainian Red Cross has warned of several fake Instagram accounts posing as the organization and soliciting donations.

Also, heed the warning that cryptocurrency scammers have tried to trick donors into sending them money by masquerading as Ukraine-related causes. Unlike credit card, PayPal or bank transactions, transactions involving cryptocurrency are completely irreversible.