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BookMark - Living in the Daze of Deception: How to Discern Truth from Culture's Lies
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A presentation of latest Christian books to hit the stores

Living in the Daze of Deception: How to Discern Truth from Culture's Lies

Genre: Christian – Non-Fiction

Author: Jack Hibbs

Publishing Date: February 6, 2024

Availability in London: Creation Bookstore


A High-Stakes Battle for Every Christian

Jesus warned that deception would grow worse as we draw nearer to the end times, saying, “Take heed that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:4). Distinguishing truth from error has become an increasingly challenging task—even in the church.

We live in a time when falsehoods assault us from every direction. Packaged with just enough truth to make them appear trustworthy, these counterfeits have grown more and more difficult to detect and avoid.

Living in the Daze of Deception explores the many ways error is masquerading as truth—and how you can discern the difference. From pastor Jack Hibbs, you’ll learn the characteristics of deceivers and how they have brought harm to both secular culture and the church the many deceptions that are altering and replacing the truth, and how to recognize them the keys to standing strong as the spiritual battles surrounding us intensify.

The greatest antidote to deception is truth. Equip yourself now to grow in discernment so that you can protect yourself from error and remain steadfast in your faith!

READER REVIEWS Courtesy : goodreads

Kristina Wilson rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Jack Hibbs is unafraid to share his faith, preach on prophecy, and point out the madness overtaking the culture. This book combines all of these things, as well as history, spiritual warfare, and hope for the future for Christians. This is a book I'm going to pick up physically, as I wanted to highlight passages and also look into the books Hibbs mentions as good sources for further information.

Rhonda Keliipio rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 5 out of 5 STARS
An unfiltered battle cry for the people of God to rise up. To see this world with eyes wide open Pastor Jack is unapologetic about his faith. It is both inspiring and a challenge. He speaks truth with boldness. May each person read this book and walk away more courageous about the world we live in and the battle we are waging.

David Sherrell rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 5 out of 5 STARS

Very insightful, very meaningful use of Scripture. All Warriors for Christ need the encouragement this book offers. Make your calling and election sure as we live in the present.

Susan K Larsen rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Must read

This book should be read by everyone. Is written where it is easy to understand and gives hope and peace of mind. Excellent read.

Rusty Pines rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Very informative and well-written!

L.C. Tang rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 4 out of 5 STARS
Fantastic read. Pastor Jack Hibbs guides the reader to better understand the times were are living in during this period of history when falsehoods assault us from every direction. Living in the Daze of Deception explores the many ways error is masquerading as truth—and how you can discern the difference. Easy read and supported with scriptures. A must read for everyone! If you don't want to read it, you can listen to the sermons because Pastor Hibbs delivered the same sermons back in mid 2023. I first heard "living in the daze of deception" during his Sunday services and Pastor Hibbs said that a publisher approached him to propose turning the sermons series into a published book. Congratulations Pastor Jack!

Larry White rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 3 out of 5 STARS
A Bit Superficial

I read Jack Hibbs recent book, “Living in the Daze of Deception” (“Daze” not “Days”), on the basis that it was featured in my church’s Christian book store and had a foreword and recommendations from individuals I respect and whose opinions I value (Mike Pompeo, and Edwin Lutzer and Frank Turek). I came away a bit disappointed at the insubstantial depth of the book. Much of it was superficial, in my opinion. It’s not that Hibbs’ concerns and arguments weren’t valid, but rather they just weren’t supported by examples, of which I myself could have named many. I can’t particularly recommend this.

Denise M rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Outstanding book!!! Pastor Jack Hibbs writes like he teaches, very clearly! He makes it all understandable for those who have never heard this before. But it’s not too simple for those of us who know Bible prophecy and can recognize what is happening around us according to Scripture. He is truly one of my favorite authors, as he is my absolute favorite pastor/teacher. If you’ve heard him teach, you can hear his voice while reading the written print. Great job again, Pastor Jack!!!

Karen Hooper rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 4 out of 5 STARS
WOW. Never has a book been written for the times we are living in.!!!

Thank you Pastor Jack, the words in this book are words that every Christian should be reading. I have just finished and yesterday Trump was convicted and with all that is happening in Israel, I Praise God for giving you the words in this book we need to be putting on the full armor of God more than at any other time.

Aaron Hand rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 2 out of 5 STARS
I like Jack Hibbs and his message. Unfortunately I just couldn’t get into his book like I wanted to. In all honesty, I think his writing was scattered, unorganized, too long, and not well-written. I agree with his message but I think he should stick with preaching and have others write. That’s just my opinion.

Mary McCulloch rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 5 out of 5 STARS
What you read this book you will learn things that are most important for us to learn and put to use

I like the many things that I have relearned while reading this book. It has given me the desire to get back to witnessing to everyone I have the opportunity to without worrying about what they will think of me.

Emma Madrid rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 5 out of 5 STARS
This book is essential for believers of Jesus Christ in this day and age. It teaches believers how to discern what comes from the world and what comes from God. It reveals how Satan is at work in our world and how we can be prepared as we continue to battle the devil yet wait for Jesus to come back!

David Donegan rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 4 out of 5 STARS
Very accurately sets out the current state of the world, my world, right here in the United States. In the future, they roll look back on these times and wonder how the faithful made it through these last of the last days.

Sandra Arbeni rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 5 out of 5 STARS

What a wonderful book of encouragement for those who are saved and believe in the Rapture.

I embrace technology because I know that the end is near. I have no fear or worries. I highly recommend it and you won't be disappointed.

Kristal Holtzclaw rated “Living in the Daze of Deception” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Empowering and Encouraging

All Christians should read this book. It is well written, encouraging and empowering. Hard times are here but no need to be afraid, it should motivate us to do more for the kingdom.