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How COVID Has Affected The London Pregnancy & Family Support
Remembering Sharon Rose Slauenwhite
Calling All Girls (6 through12) – Come to Yakira!
Courage For Freedom Welcomes Summer Breeze
And New Guests to Courage House!
Today's Revelation
Really, a Bear?
Three Essentials for Developing & Fulfilling a Vision
Dispelling the Dark
Reel Review - Fly Me to the Moon (MOVIE REVIEW)
The Organist (HUMOUR)
“Take Me For A Spin”
The Top 20 Christian Music Albums for Summer 2024
BookMark - Living in the Daze of Deception: How to Discern Truth from Culture's Lies (BOOK REVIEW)
Adjusting to New Realities
Make Him Known

It is no surprise that the pandemic changed a lot for the LPFSC (London Pregnancy & Family Support Centre). There is not a business or organization that wasn’t affected by COVID-19. While the pandemic has brought its challenges, it has taught us how to embrace and respond to our families, friends, community and far beyond. We have learned what really is important in life, and not take anything for granted.

At the LPFSC we had to learn to do many things differently, and it took a lot of time and patience, but we were determined to see our mission through – that no one feels alone! The Lord really blessed our perseverance and our adaptability. We went through the heartache of having to forego our in person Annual Fundraising Banquet/Auction, to be replaced with our first ever virtual gala, Life Journey: You Are Not Alone. The evening could not have gone any better, the stories, shout outs, auction, right through to the final song, it was an unforgettable celebration and our goal of $50,000 turned into $60,009.71!

We’ve had to go virtual with our baby bottle campaign, ‘Formula 4 hope’. That was more challenging with people not having a physical baby bottle as a reminder made us have to continually push the bottles, with numerous posts on our social media, phone calls to churches asking them to make mention of it weekly through social media, and we kept the campaign running for five months. However, God is good, and He always comes through, over $25,000 was raised.

Our biggest challenge was learning to connect with clients during the restrictions, and reassuring them that they were not alone, even when they were feeling very much alone. We have experienced record highs with client intakes since the pandemic started. Women have been at a greater risk of abuse (sexual, domestic, verbal) because of the isolation, financial strains, and mental health issues. Also, the fear that their children could be at a greater risk for abuse with all the at-home time. Because of this concern we kept an even closer contact with our clients and their families.

Due to the restrictions of the pandemic all of our programs and client care have had to move to a virtual format. Those with severe crisis that needed in-person attention and support we opened our doors for, because sometimes human connection is desperately needed for survival. As a Centre we dropped off personal packages to our families to provide activities to keep the families busy, treats, as well as gift cards to help with food.

The LPFSC made sure our families always felt supported, loved and cared for. Even with all of the challenges faced throughout this pandemic we have kept our focus on Christ who is our strength and allows us to be His hands, feet and heart in this precious ministry. Many of our families have shared with us that by us being there when we couldn’t “physically” be there, they felt a great sense of comfort knowing that they were not alone.

Anyone interested in supporting the ministry go to our website where our baby bottle campaign has gone virtual and details are posted there. We are going to be doing our second virtual gala event, Pieced Together on Tuesday, September 21. It is our 30th anniversary and would love to have you join us. For all updates check out our website - click HERE.