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Photograph Joseph O'Neil

Chadwick Hall, Chef, Ark Aid Street Mission
Ark Aid Street Mission located at 696 Dundas St. in London Ontario has been serving the homeless, marginalized and vulnerable folks in the city of London for nearly 40 years! The organizations mission is to provide spaces of connection where people experience Christ’s love through active, authentic community sharing life in order to grow in well being (body), hope(mind) and purpose (spirit).

Sarah Campbell, Executive Director Ark Aid Mission
Over the past year, the Ark has had to navigate some challenging waters, COVID protocols being one of the most difficult as it limited the support and help of hundreds of volunteers through the stay at home order, and added complexity in providing services. Despite this, “We didn’t miss serving even one meal during the Covid pandemic,” Ark Aid Mission’s Chef, Chad proudly shares.

In addition new Executive Director, Sarah Campbell says, “While other services found themselves closing their door, the Ark was eager to meet needs and adjust to ensure those with few options had a place of welcome and friendship with us.” Winter months provided new opportunities to serve the homeless population with a number of other organizations in the city as the Ark took the lead on WISH (Winter Interim Solution to Homelessness) temporary pop-up shelters and a drop in “Out of the Cold” service on the coldest nights of the year.

(R) Jonathan Courey, Outreach Team Lead and Sean, Ark Member

Now in Summer, Construction dominates Dundas St. directly in front of the Ark location on Dundas St. “We have moved to the YMCA, for outreach, congregate and meal services so that people can feel welcomed and cared for this summer.” Says Jonathan Courey, Outreach Team Lead, which goes out from the Centre Branch of YMCA daily inviting people back to the location for snacks, meals, community activities, shower and basic needs supports services daily M-F from 1-4 with dinner being served daily at 5 pm seven day a week.

On average, the Ark serves between 100-250 unique individuals daily. With pandemic restrictions lifting, the Ark is seeking new volunteers to join the team, and groups to serve dinners again. Anyone interested can reach out to

The Ark continues to provide services due to community donations of food, snacks, water, clothing, shoes, tents, toiletries, and a host of other basic needs items people drop off to the Dundas St or YMCA locations. Financial donations, in-kind support and volunteerism are critical to the ability of the small but dedicated organization.

The Ark is an extension of the Christian Church in London, believers experience practical and life giving expression of their faith through serving, loving and building community with the “least of theses” as Matthew 25:40 refers to. As the Ark has navigated through the turbulence of the last year, God’s provision and abundant love for those often overlooked or oppressed in society has been apparent. Sarah Campbell, Executive Director acknowledges this, saying “We are grateful for the ways the Lord has provided physically, practically and directionally as we have changed and grown our services and community care throughout COVID. It has been clear that He has a plan for the Ark and is directing the path of the organization, and we are grateful for that.”

For More information or to get involved with Ark Aid Street Mission, check them out on Facebook or on-line at