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BookMark - Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)
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A presentation of latest Christian books to hit the stores

Title: Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)

Author: Lynette Eason

Genre: Christian Fiction/ Romantic Suspense

Publishing Date: August 2021

Availability in London: Creation Bookstore.

A Creation Bookstore Top 20? YES

Available in: Paperback

Reviews Courtesy: Goodreads

Average: 4.49 out of 5


Ava Jackson entered the military shortly after high school, but her mother's illness has forced her to request an early discharge. She already lost her father while deployed, and there's no way she's going to let her mother die alone. But after a visit to the nursing facility where her mother lives, Ava is attacked walking back to her car. Fortunately, FBI Special Agent Caden Denning arrives in time to help fight off her attacker.

Caden reveals to Ava that she may hold the key to the murders of three families, and he needs her help before anyone else is harmed. The hits show a pattern, and clearly the killer has an agenda. But if Caden and Ava can't discover what it is, Ava may be next on the hit list.

Bestselling author Lynette Eason concludes her latest suspense-filled series with a bang as secrets are revealed and the guilty are brought to justice.

Reader Reviews:

Cara Putman rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 5 out of 5 STARS
What a read! This book was a race from page one and a great wrap up yet stood alone so well. Ava is connected to a serial killer somehow. And the race is on to figure out why and thwart the man’s plan. Laced with secrets and international intrigue, it has the trademark pacing and rich conflict (both external and internal I’ve come to love and expect from this author.

Susan Snodgrass rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 4 out of 5 STARS
'Today the watching ended and the killing started.'

Talk about a compelling first line! Totally pulled me in and kept me enthralled all the way to the ending.

'You don't know what you're doing. The fine line you're walking. The people you may be putting in danger.'

Lynette Eason knows her way around a suspense story and this one is heart-pounding suspense to the thrilling ending. Eason has contrived a plot that was fascinating with many twists and turns that kept my heart in my throat many times. This one is bound to satisfy any suspense fan. Well done!

Andrea Cox rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 4 out of 5 STARS
This book started off with the potential to become my new favorite Eason book. The action was fast-paced and came often, which made for a great suspense formula. The characters were intriguing, which added richness to the story being told. The settings were very well used, which increased the depth of the tale. Overall, this was a fantastic series finale, capping off one of the best series Mrs. Eason has produced to date.

A few things bugged me enough to drop a star. The predictability level was pretty high for me. I figured out all but two major plot points long before the reveals. I still enjoyed said plot points, but I would have had increased enjoyment had I been shocked or surprised by more than two of them. There were a couple of plot holes that didn’t mesh well for me. Since Ava had been trained on puzzles of all sorts throughout her childhood and was described as a computer genius who was able to hack a facial recognition software program at age fifteen, it was unrealistic that it would take her and a bunch of friends a couple of weeks to finish a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. From my own experience, and I am not a genius by any stretch of the imagination, a 1,000 piece puzzle is doable in 1-2 days. I have no clue why it took Ava and company so long except that the timing had to be just so for the plot to work, which, of course, felt very contrived. As for the hacker skills, why did she give up on discovering a certain password after only two or three failed attempts? Why didn’t she put her skills to good use? She had time to do that if she had time to work on a puzzle. That whole thread did not work for me at all. Another thing that failed to impress me was that a certain somebody completely ignored the fact that he could have figured out one of his marks had children via birth, school, and military records, which wouldn’t have been difficult for him to discover since he was “meticulous” about research. It would have been super easy for him to have found out about the children, but that paper trail was completely omitted from the story.

All that being said, I definitely was riveted by this story. I kept flying through the chapters because they were written so well (other than the aforementioned holes). I especially enjoyed the scenes featuring a drone, a cane, and a yacht. The antagonist was truly creepy and evil. I was grateful he didn’t have me in his crosshairs! I liked that the torture he did was mostly off-screen and only hinted at. My imagination drew up enough images to creep me out. I certainly did not need on-screen graphic violence that would only serve to be crass and grant nightmares to the reader. The author definitely knew when and how to create the vibe without pushing past the limit.

The mirror scene reminded me of Jurassic Park. That was pretty epic.

Daria Nevsky was back! Oh, how she was highlighted! I can hardly wait for the novella Ryker and she will be getting, according to Lynette Eason’s latest newsletter. I cannot tell you how stoked I am for that. She’s one of my favorite Eason characters of all time, as is Ryker, and I am super excited that they’re pairing up.

Trigger: suicide

Content: suicide, replacement expletives, alcohol, unwed pregnancy mentioned

Dana Michael rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Action galore!! Hostile Intent is the fourth book in The Danger Never Sleeps series. This is my favorite one. It starts out with a bang and never stops until the end. I loved the characters and storyline was incredible. If you want a nail biting suspense with some romance, then I recommend this book. Even though it's in a series, it can be read as a stand alone. In fact, I hope she does a spinoff of this book and start a new series with Ava and Caden. That would be awesome!

Kristina Hall rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 4 out of 5 STARS
Characters: Ava had to be my favorite character in this book. Her backstory gave her a lot of depth and added some good conflict to the story. She also handled herself better than a lot of characters in suspense books ... no going back to the villain's headquarters alone to retrieve her purse or anything like that. :) Caden struck me as the average guy you often find in romantic suspense novels. That's not to say he was a bad character by any means ... I just felt like I'd met him in books a few times before.

Language: Clean.

Moral: Umm ... reviewer fail! I can't remember the moral. That's what I get for reading too late last night. :) Anyway, both characters were Christians, and they prayed in this novel.

Plot: This was an intense plot! I liked all the action and high stakes. The villain did have scenes from his perspective, and I didn't love how he was portrayed as kind of a victim. That dude was a complete creep who had plans to torture and kill Ava. Obviously, that didn't happen, but sensitive readers will want to be aware that it's discussed.

Romance: Clean. A few kisses. I did mentally roll my eyes when Ava and Caden got all sappy right after they dealt with the villain. I felt like they needed another scene to calm down after all the action or something.

Writing: I really enjoyed Lynette's style of writing. She let me "see" everything I needed to, and her writing conveyed the suspense well.

Overall: Hostile Intent was an action-packed read, and I'd recommend it to those who like Christian fiction and romantic suspense

Maureen Timerman rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Yes as you quickly page turn for answers, and shaking your head, why? While many times holding my breath as the horrible, evil deeds are revealed.

We are reunited with past characters, but this is really a read alone, but happy to say hello, and catch up. This is Ava and Caden's time, and poor Ava's mother is not doing well, and Ava's dad has recently been declared deceased. So much personal pain, but things get worse, but why? Answers are forthcoming, murders of three families, all including children, horrible.

If you enjoy suspense at its finest, Lynette Eason does not disappoint!

Paula Shreckhise rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 5 out of 5 STARS
I have not read a Lynette Eason book that I have not loved. This fourth book in the series Danger Never Sleeps reminds me of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy with its cast of characters from FBI, CIA and other agencies. It is another thrilling story with cameos of characters from previous books. I like that this group of friends is there for each other when one needs support, be it physical, spiritual or emotional.

This was a wild ride for Ava and Caden, childhood friends who are becoming closer as they track a killer. The story was fast-paced with lots of action and many questions to be answered, along with interesting information about puzzles, hacking, and what makes a criminal tick. Ava and Caden try their best to thwart the person who is after Ava and seek to outwit him before he succeeds in kidnapping her. But other emergencies get in the way and the killer will not let up!

Fantastic ending to a terrific series that cements Ms. Eason as an all time favorite author.

Emma Turner rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 4 out of 5 STARS
Whew. Give me a few seconds to calm my racing heart. I’ve got to say that, although this wasn’t my favourite in the series, it was definitely one of the most action-packed.

It was fun getting to see some of the characters from the previous books and getting to be reacquainted with them.

I liked the fact that Ava could definitely take care of herself, no questions asked. She wouldn’t appear to be, but she was a very strong character who I grew to love as the book progressed.

While this was a very good book, I couldn’t fully enjoy it due to some content that I mention below. It didn’t cross my personal boundaries, but I know some prefer not to read those kinds of details.

*Due to some elements of discussion such as torture, borderline gore, and a psychopath, I wouldn’t recommend this book to any under 16 or any that are sensitive to those topics.

Michaela Bush rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 3 out of 5 STARS
This one was pretty good! I have to say that I feel like a lot more could have been done with the plot that was initially set up, but it was fairly easy to see what was going to happen next in the book -- it was really clever, but not necessarily the explosive/blindsiding plot twist that I'm used to seeing from Eason's books. That being said, the storyline was still excellent, and the characters were very easy to get attached to and relate with. Ava and Caden have a wonderful chemistry that I haven't seen in awhile in romances, so that was refreshing -- and definitely fun to read! Overall, if you enjoyed the series, you'll definitely want to pick this book up. If you're new to the series, you'll be able to read this one as a standalone, but the story does have references to prior cases covered in the first three books. (And on that note, I loved how Eason tied up all the loose ends regarding the characters' relationships and budding family lives in this book!)

Ebos Aifuobhokhan rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 4 out of 5 STARS
Lynette Eason has a way with her that keeps you reading her books. Emotional, thrilling, captivating, exciting and with characters that feels like family.

This book was a great one with wonderful characters and a story that stays long with you.

If you love suspense, mystery and thrillers with a hint of romance, you'd love this book.

I received a copy of this book and this is my honest opinion.

Rachel DeVaughn rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 5 out of 5 STARS
This book was absolutely amazing and I was completely riveted from beginning to end! Clean Christian romantic suspense with lots of drama. Throughout the book there are mentions of killings from a serial killer and war killings, and nothing graphic but it can still be upsetting at times.

This was one of those books I read in one day with no interruptions because I was so involved in the characters and plot that I didn't want to stop. I liked reading about the other girls that were mentioned in previous books but each book can be read as a standalone. I enjoyed getting to know Caden and Ava and watching their friendship grow as events grew more intense and the plot thickened.

This book and this series is one that I will keep on my bookshelf to read again. I absolutely loved it!

Kelly Hodgkins rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 2 out of 5 STARS
“Hostile Intent” is book four in and the conclusion to, Lynette Eason’s Danger Never Sleeps series. I loved book one, two and three so was looking forward to this one. Action-packed thriller is what I expected, what caught me off guard was the brutality of it. The writing is, as always with this author, well done. It’s fast paced and the characters are easy to empathize and connect with.

However, the back cover write up gives the reader little warning that at the centre of this investigation will be the murder of whole families. It opens with three such incidents and then, a teenager who is the lone survivor of his family, becomes a narrator in the story. I skimmed the family murder scenes in the first few chapters hoping I could continue but when the child is given a voice of pain and suffering, I was nauseated by his trauma, though fictitious. At 25%, I chose to skip to the end, having read the balance of the series, I wanted to know how it all turned out. The conclusion was satisfying, and good triumphs.

I acknowledge it may be that I’ve changed since book three, the world has seen such trauma. I have found I’m less able to cope with it in my entertainment. This book may be just the thriller you’re looking for, but perhaps read the first 10% before choosing to purchase it to get a taste of the story. For me, it’s a 2 out of 5 on the enJOYment scale.

Kelly Bridgewater rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Hostile Intent by Lynnette Eason is a rush through spies and Russian KGB. Suspense. Check. Hints of Romance between the heroine and hero. Check. Running for their lives. Check. Just what I want in a suspense novel. The action was definitely worth keeping an eye on. Like all of Eason's novels, the stories were well-written, and just the way I enjoy them. There is a scene with a drone. This is the first one I have encountered in a suspense novel, and I actually really enjoyed it. From the first chapter Ava and Caden were chasing the clues, hunting for the reality of why these families were dying. The romance was not over the top either. There were moments where the romance came to the front of the story, but I honestly, did not mind it. With Eason, I know this is not the whole storyline. The suspense is. Overall, Hostile Intent by Lynette Eason is a wonderful way to end this four book series. I can't honestly wait to see what she comes up with next.

Toni Osborne rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 4 out of 5 STARS
A contemporary romantic suspense

Danger Never Sleeps book#4

What this book has to say:

Ava Jackson recently discharged from the military joins FBI Special Agent Caden Denning on assignment to catch a serial killer targeting military families. Caden needs her help before anyone else is harmed. He thinks Ava may hold the key to the murders of three families of men who defected from Russia during the cold war. The investigation becomes very personal when Ava is attacked leaving her mother’s nursing home triggering a fight to survive......

What I think:

This books although part of a series stands well by its own. The focus in this series was on group of friends discharged from the military after serving in Afghanistan, each book tells a different story. “Hostile Intent” ends this wonderful series with a bang.....

This book does not disappoint, it is well-written in a clean language and gives us a plot filled with non-stop-action and plenty of suspense .A real page-turner that provides us with a tad of teasing romance throughout but leaves out hot crazy scenes we sometime read...We have enough twists and turns to keep us guessing and us turning page to see if we are right...There is a lot of tension and the pacing is perfect for this scenario. This is cleverly thought-out thriller. Entertaining and one that kept me attention from cover to cover...well-done

Julie Graves rated “Hostile Intent (Danger Never Sleeps #4)” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Ava Jackson has had to live a lie since she was 15 years old and found out her father's secret. Now her father is dead and his past is haunting Ava. When families are being murdered Ava is a connection she needs to understand in order to keep herself and her family safe. Caden Denning works for the FBI. He and Ava have been friends since they were children. Now it is up to him to keep her safe. Ava has always kept herself aloof knowing that she would probably never marry. After all, when one marries she figures there should be no secrets. Ava knows that she needs to share her secret with Caden, but can she trust him with something that will put him in danger as well?

I think this is my favorite book of the Danger Never Sleeps series. It was exciting and romantic and perfect! I loved Caden and Ava's characters. I loved how strong Ava was and how she was able to protect herself. I also loved that Caden let her be a strong woman but also was there to help her when she needed him. A perfect ending to the series and once again shows why Lynette Eason is a favorite author of mine!