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BookMark - Relative Justice
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A presentation of latest Christian books to hit the stores

Title: Relative Justice

Genre: Christian - Fiction

Author: Robert Whitlow

Publishing Date: April 2022

Availability in London: Creation Bookstore

Availability online? YES, Click HERE

Available in: Paperback

Summary: Relative Justice

For the attorneys at Cobb and Cobb, the pursuit of justice is about more than legal expertise; it’s a family matter.

David Cobb is not a typical lawyer—he’s more interested in dispensing God’s wisdom than pertinent legal advice. High-stakes litigation is way outside his comfort zone.

For many years Zeke Caldwell has been concocting home remedies made from natural ingredients found in the coastal marshes near Wilmington, North Carolina. One of his remedies proved so effective that he patented it with the help of David’s father. Now he suspects a big drug company has stolen his formula. What he doesn’t know is that the theft has deeper, more evil roots.

When Zeke asks David to help fight the drug company, David knows the suit is beyond his expertise and experience. But his sister-in-law, Katelyn Cobb, is a rising star attorney in a prestigious Washington, DC, law firm. The courtroom is her second home. Could she help? Would she even consider it?

Life’s circumstances compel the lawyers to face, not only patent piracy, but personal obstacles and struggles that threaten to rip apart the fabric of the family. The fight for Zeke requires all the relatives to unite for justice.
Reader reviews: Courtesy – Goodreads

Dana Michael gave “RELATIVE JUSTICE” 4 out of 5 STARS
I really enjoyed this book. I felt like these characters were my people. I want to go to all of their family get togethers and go fishing with them. This book was more than a legal thriller it was about family and doing the right thing. I enjoyed learning the legal terms and I also learned a bit about how a law firm works. The case was fascinating to me because it dealt with a patent case and a big pharmaceutical company.

Carolyn Bryant gave “RELATIVE JUSTICE” 5 out of 5 STARS
Another exciting, inspiring offering from expert storyteller Robert Whitlow! I was immersed in this stirring legal drama from beginning to end. Detailed descriptions of legal strategies evidence the author’s legal expertise and make the story come to life. The amazing, well-crafted characters capture your heart and touch your soul. What I like most about this book is how faith plays such a significant role in the lives of the Cobb family as they are faced with difficult personal and professional decisions. I love David’s determination to follow God’s leading and how Katelyn’s spiritual journey evolves. I totally enjoyed this read and highly recommend it.

Kathleen Meacham gave “RELATIVE JUSTICE” 3 out of 5 STARS
Nice to be able to read a book that you know is going to be clean (no foul language or sex) all the way through. Good plot. This was my first novel by Whitlow - it was a suggestion from hoopla, and I look forward to reading more by this author.

Esther Filbrun gave “RELATIVE JUSTICE” 4 out of 5 STARS
Having enjoyed several of Whitlow’s other books, I was excited to get to read this one, as well. Unfortunately, it was a bit of a disappointment. I still enjoyed reading the story and getting to know the characters, but the overall story wasn’t as strong and didn’t feel as put-together as some of his other books. I loved that he worked home remedies into the story; that was fun to read about, and I’ve always been interested in what could happen with patent infringement cases. The family side of things was interesting, too, and I loved seeing how kindness and forgiveness played out in several characters’ stories. But as a whole, I was somewhat disappointed in this story. I’m looking forward to seeing how the next book is!

Anne Rightler gave “RELATIVE JUSTICE” 4 out of 5 STARS
I thoroughly enjoy Robert Whitlow's legal thrillers and Relative Justice did not disappoint. Small town setting where family and friends are what matters and no matter what you do the right thing. The characters are people one would want as friends, realistic with strengths and flaws. The premise of the book is an interesting legal case of patent infringement and how the truth wins out. So looking forward to more from Whitlow. I listened to a library copy of the audiobook and was not required to write a review. Matthew Godfrey did a great job narrating the book which made for an interesting listening experience.

MJ Torres gave “RELATIVE JUSTICE” 3 out of 5 STARS
I listened to this on audio and I wouldn't advise it! They should have gotten a better narrator.

I also just couldn't get into the characters or story. But what I really did like about the book, however, is the in-depth legal details when the case was talked about.

Valri Western gave “RELATIVE JUSTICE” 5 out of 5 STARS
This is my first experience reading a novel by Robert Whitlow. It won't be my last! I really enjoyed this story although it did drag a little bit in places. That, however, didn't deter me from enjoying the story. The legal case was compelling and interesting to keep me reading the book quickly. It did seem a little bit longer than it needed to be though. Before I retired years ago, I worked in a very large law firm, so I thrilled me to be "back in that world"! I wasn't around criminal law, but many terms and actions were familiar. This led me to be more interested in the book, I think! I loved getting to know all the characters more fully as the author spends a great deal of time plumbing the depths of each one. David and Kathryn were more of the main characters, but the other family members had a lot of "screen time" too. In the story, Zeke, has a patent for his home-made remedies but someone else has made one of them and has a patent too so Zeke is going to court to claim patent infringement. The other guy, Emerson, is kind of a shady character but his journey is interesting. I loved the family dynamics, the law case and the outcome! It needed a little more "pizzaz" in some parts but mostly, I really enjoyed the book!

Lisa Johnson gave “RELATIVE JUSTICE” 5 out of 5 STARS
This newest literary work from Robert Whitlow was interesting to see how the Cobb family ran their practice by prayer and then addressing the legal issue before them. Carter Cobb is the head of the family who has built his practice with honesty and humility, which he taught to his son, David. David Cobb is married with two children and works well alongside his father. When Carter experiences a major medical issue, David attempts to take care of the practice as well as find out what his father was working on before the illness.

Robbie is David’s younger brother. He doesn’t practice law, but his wife Katelyn does. Katelyn is a shining star in a Washington firm until an unforeseen occurrence has her looking at other employment options. Katelyn brings her vast knowledge to the Cobb practice on a trial basis and immediately sees the difference in how the practice of law is carried out. Her experience brings such help to the family practice and heightens her awareness of something missing in her life.

The novel stays focused on the family where readers get to see them live out their faith in good and hard times. Faith isn’t portrayed as something fluffy or easy, but one where at times the various members of the family can’t see how everything is going to flesh out. The climax of the story was building throughout the book, and while I enjoyed the story, I felt the ending was somewhat rushed. However, others may find it was fine for them the way it is written, that is the beauty of storytelling. I still plan on reading more of Whitlow’s books in the future as they are fun to read and some of them are just off the scale entertaining! I recommend reading the novel and then sharing it with others.

Anita Ojeda gave “RELATIVE JUSTICE” 4 out of 5 STARS
Katelyn Martin-Cobb loves her fast-paced, demanding job as a litigator with a high-priced Washington, D.C. law firm. Except it doesn’t leave her much time with Robbie, her outdoors-loving husband. Just when she thinks her dreams of fast-tracking to a partner position will come true, a series of events makes her question everything she thought she wanted.

It’s taken Robbie Cobb longer than most people to settle down and figure out his passion and calling in life. As he feels pulled back to the faith of his youth, he wonders where God will lead. When his father has a life-threatening brain hemorrhage, Robbie rushes home to North Carolina.

David Cobb and his father Carter have a family law practice where they can focus on helping small business owners. David sees his job as a calling, and his unorthodox dependence on prayer rather than logic leaves some people shaking their heads. He and his wife Nan and two children enjoy living close to Carter and the slower-paced life of a small-town law office.

Zeke Caldwell, a local pharmacy assistant, and self-taught naturalist takes out a patent for one of his home remedies. When he realizes a major drug company has infringed on his patent, he goes to David for guidance.

None of them realize danger lurks closer than they ever imagined. What happens when David prepares to take on Goliath?

What I Liked About This Book
Whitlow creates a story that is half Jan Karon and half Cara Putman. The author spends a fair amount of time character-building. Readers will enjoy the spiritual transformations in both Katelyn and Robbie. They may also get impatient if they anticipate a suspense element (on a scale of 1 to 10, the suspense hovers around a three).

If you love mild suspense and enjoy stories where characters mature and change in unexpected ways as God works in their lives, this affirming story will bring you hope

Anne Wolters gave “RELATIVE JUSTICE” 5 out of 5 STARS
This is an intriguing story that is heartwarming as well as an example of living a life of faith and prayer. I love everything about it including where it takes place, the interesting characters, the issues they face and how they handle unexpected hurdles and are able to reach an agreement when they don't agree.

Katelyn, an attorney works for one of the more powerful law firms in the Washington DC area is offered a big promotion to move to the Chicago office. Robbie, her husband is willing to support her and agrees to the move, although his heart is working with kids and he just learned of an opening at a boys camp in his hometown of Wilmington. He doesn't even mention it and instead begins discussing plans to move to Chicago.. Through some unforeseen events, the move to Chicago doesn't happen and they do end up in Wilmington because Robbie's Dad is in the hospital.

Robbie's brother David is the junior partner in the law firm of Cobb and Cobb that was started nearly forty years earlier by their dad, Carter Cobb.. While Carter is in the hospital David asks Katelyn to come to work at the firm temporarily to help out while Carter is recuperating. . David and Katelyn have some conflicting ideas about how to approach certain things. David's natural tendency is to pray about everything, but Katelyn isn't necessary onboard with running a law firm that way.

There are many twists and turns as well as some surprises. Fun fishing trips and some serious business to take care of as well as an unexpected event that all comes together as part of this fascinating story. This is a book that is difficult to put down until the last page is turned.

Edward Arrington gave “RELATIVE JUSTICE” 5 out of 5 STARS
I loved this book because of the relationships and faith woven throughout the story of a fight for justice for a man whose patent has been infringed upon. Andy and Courtney, the children of David and Nan Cobb, were the stars in my opinion. They were well-behaved, smart, and strong in their young faith. They loved their family, especially their grandfather. When he suffered a medical emergency and ended up in the hospital, they were his two staunchest prayer warriors.

The author frequently brings them into the story to add some interesting dialogue and action. I enjoyed the way the family worked together, even when there were significant differences of opinion. David and his father were small-town lawyers, while the younger son’s wife was a lawyer with a major firm in Washington, DC. One of the most interesting aspects of the story was the way David relied strongly on his faith when dealing with clients.

I am involved in a study currently about knowing and doing God’s will. A huge emphasis is placed on immediate obedience. This story so aptly demonstrates that concept. Some may question if that is real life. I would say many people who profess to be believers fail to practice that but the story helps to bring things into perspective as first one and then another begins to act in obedience to their faith. You will have to read the book to see if justice is served. You will find it difficult to put down.