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How Will You Keep Your Love Going?
Remembering Sharon Rose Slauenwhite
Calling All Girls (6 through12) – Come to Yakira!
Courage For Freedom Welcomes Summer Breeze
And New Guests to Courage House!
Today's Revelation
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Three Essentials for Developing & Fulfilling a Vision
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Reel Review - Fly Me to the Moon (MOVIE REVIEW)
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“Take Me For A Spin”
The Top 20 Christian Music Albums for Summer 2024
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Adjusting to New Realities
Make Him Known

Sometimes, a donor does not know how their donation will be utilized. Instead, they choose to allow Mission Services of London Foundation to allocate the funds where they are most needed. This practice of leaving donations unrestricted has allowed us to respond to emerging needs, expand vital programs, and swiftly address the pandemic.

For instance, when it was clear that early intervention prevents (not just remediates) family homelessness, Rotholme Family Shelter began offering the Prevention of Homelessness Among Families (PHAF) program. Through PHAF, we help families avoid emergency shelter, find and secure stable housing, and maintain it for the long-term. It was only through bequests from generous donors that this program was able to thrive and have the impact it has today. Last year, 108 families were assisted in maintaining their current or alternative housing to prevent a need for a stay in emergency shelter altogether.

What’s more, in the coming months, Quintin Warner House is set to expand its addiction treatment program by doubling its occupancy and enhancing aftercare supports. With lengthy wait lists across the province, the expansion will help more men overcome addiction, maintain sobriety, and foster connections to community. This crucial expansion would not be possible without those who named Mission Services of London Foundation in their wills.

Unrestricted funds were also paramount when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Large quantities of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) were needed for participants, staff, and volunteers to keep them safe while maintaining programming. Fortunately, we were able to quickly access funds to purchase masks and other PPE. Programming remained uninterrupted so hundreds of neighbours could continue receiving meals, shelter, and support.

Wills are powerful. Through the kindness of legacy donors, essential programs are able to respond to emerging needs, grow, and thrive to help hundreds of neighbours every year. Not only do they provide practical assistance, they also inspire hope so those in need can believe in a different tomorrow.

How will you keep your love going?

For more on how we use gifts in Wills, visit the Mission Services of London Foundation Will Power page at